It has already been an exciting journey working with one of the UK's most exclusive perfume companies, Boadicea The Victorious, and we were privileged to be involved in their latest launch at Harrods.
The intricate and beautiful bottles were shot in a studio against a black backdrop on a turntable. This created controlled, smooth motion which, combined with some intricate macro filming, created a polished feel to
the videos.
The film highlights in particular the fantastic work of the perfumer in the Cotswolds and the team at A E Williams who are responsible for creating the pewter elements.They are one of the worlds' oldest
companies and proud to show off their skills.
Items like perfume are a luxury and often a brand is selling a feeling or lifestyle as much as they are selling a scent. The team at Boadicea wanted a big statement to begin the launch and so we produced a mood video for the brand. This short one minute video was designed to evoke an emotion and set the scene for the perfumes. We brainstormed a storyboard of images that we felt reflected the brand. Working with the team at Boadicea we finalised our choices and set out into some great forest locations armed with spears, cloaks and a smoke machine! The music was one of the most important elements here and of course we played it very loud for the audience.
Boadicea now have many
different edits which they can use in many different ways for both live
audiences, intimate one-to-one discussions and as an online showcase.
Within this project we used several unique skills and techniques to deliver a polished final film
- We used a lot of motion within the shots, keeping the camera moving. We also shot on very high frame rates so that we could slow the footage down in the edit.
- Stylised camera movements were used but also work was done to reflect the lighter, brighter atmosphere of the different locations.
- During the Harrods shoot we brought in our mini jib to create sweeping shots which celebrate the look of the environment.
If you would like to
chat with us about any ideas you have for your product or service we will be more
than happy to explore with you the power of video.